Repurchase of secondary raw materials
Secondary raw materials. Some people unhesitatingly throw them into the dustbin. These people rob themselves and pollute the environment. You can do it differently. Smarter. Contact our company, we place the container for secondary raw materials in front of your business place and as soon as you fulfil the container, we will take it and process the materials. You get rid of unnecessary waste and also get paid for it. What more could you ask for?
We purchase secondary raw materials - metals, ferrous metals and more. Together we can create a partnership that will be beneficial to both parties. There is nothing to wait for.
Komenského nám. 606
665 01 Rosice u Brna
Tel/Fax.: 533 387 012
Mobil: 733 733 341
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- Registration and annual report to ISPOP
- Registration to IPR
- Obtain the consent of the waste management p>